Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 11, 2012


I'm going to be changing things up around here. I haven't been feeling really inspired to blog and I feel like it's a great way for me to look back and remember what life was like at this point in time, the challenges, the milestones, the amazing, all of it. I want to document it.

Monday I started on a new journey for me. I'm calling it "Time to Trim", an overhaul on my life habits,eating habits, exercise habits, outlook, etc. So I'm going to have a theme for everyday of the week to help motivate me to post and also plan to post on other things as they come up.

I'm going to be overhauling the dog blog as well, even though we're currently dogless. We are hoping to get out of debt, simultaneously build our credit and buy a house hopefully within the year.

I'm still working on the names and idea behind each day. So far I have:

Milestone Monday - Document new milestones Carter reaches as he reaches them and some pictures of him.

Trimming Tuesday - My weigh in for the week and how I'm doing on my plan, what exercises I did thoughout the week and any stumbles I had and ways I can improve.

Wordless Wednesday - Picture or pictures with no words, will probably be of Carter.

Thirsty Thursday - I've started drinking green smoothies and making Carter homemade juice and would like to document what works, what doesn't, what we all like and don't like and the nutritional benefits of each smoothie.

Financial Friday - What steps we've taken to reach our financial goals and what we have planned for the next week.

Saturday and Sunday will be free days to write about what I like. Celebrate life and an overview of how I did the past week and what I hope to accomplish the coming week. I will try to be open but not too open, a balance I've struggled with in the past.

Time to Trim: My goal is to control my PCOS with my diet and exercise, lose weight, be more active and feel better about myself in my skin. I want to be able to go to the park and run with my son, meet whatever dog we get's activity level with exercise, feel good about my body and actually look pregnant with my next pregnancy(ies). I want to be able to have a body that leads to effective labor and delivery and that will allow me to better reach my goal of having a natural med-free birth for the next baby. My goal is to lose 75 pounds, overall. Depending on when our next pregnancy occurs, it will likely not be a direct path but that's what I would like to reach.

Financial Goals: We have a substantial amount of debt, including medical expenses and student loans. Our student loans will not be included in my measurements but we will be paying on them (even though we're still in school) to help build our credit and lower our debt to income ratio. I will not be posting amounts but will be posting percentages. So if we pay off X amount of dollars in debt for that week, I will calculate the percentage of debt and add it up for an overall total. We hope to buy a home and I would love to one day be a breeder keeper and raise litters for the first 8 weeks for Canine Angels. Max would like a doberman so that's what I'm planning on being our "homeowner dog" since we can't have one in our apartment. We are not planning on getting a dog before that unless it is a service dog in training. So financially we hope to do the following:

  1. Get out of debt
  2. Improve our credit
  3. Have a 3 month emergency fund in savings
  4. Have a down payment in savings
  5. Buy a home
  6. Have 12 months worth of emergency funds in savings
  7. Pay off student loans
Other goals: I hope to graduate (finally) and work from home if that's a desire or need at that time.I hope to have a learning activity for Carter everyday that will turn into his school time as he gets older. I hope to have an active role in our congregation and make some good, long term friends down here. This is all going to take a lot of work and fighting my nature of being at home and shy.

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