Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Update on Comet

My beautiful Comet is back at the kennels at Canine Angels Service Teams. Her family loved her and she loved them but she is a high-dander and shedding pup and due to some allergies and developed habits of one of the kids in the home, it was not a good match. However, there is hope of a home for her just 20 minutes South of her. We'll know more in June.

We went down for an event yesterday (Saturday) in support of Canine Angels. It was called Dog Days and was amazing! We didn't take Eva, I can't handle her crazy self around other dogs in a large crowd of dogs and since she's not up-to-date on her shots (for now, that's gonna change!) because we were told she's not healthy enough for them, we didn't want to take her around a lot of dogs. We did get to handle Comet's brother, Titan for a little while.

We got to talk to the CAST ladies off and on, they were all busy with the event and we didn't really get there in time to help. It started at 9:20, we left the house a little after 9, had to get gas and it's about an hour and fifteen minute drive.

We donated a little bit of money, bought some tokens and were privy to some information about the next (hopefully) upcoming litter, which we are considering getting a pup from! We had originally said when Carter turns 2 we'd get our next pup but we'll see. There's a lot to think about, including a mobile baby, living in an upstairs apartment, Eva, working full-time, etc. I'm really really wanting a black pup next and since two studs were used, a black lab and a yellow lab, we'll have to see if it's an all yellow litter or some blacks. They would be Comet's half siblings.

Carter loved all the dogs and gave Wyatt some belly rubs.

IF we get a pup from this litter, Eva would be getting spayed, probably will be anyway, up to date on shots and on steroid shots.

Here's the tokens we picked up from the event!

Two cards featuring Comet, a Canine Angels magnet and a Dogs Days charm.

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